Frequently Asked Questions

This section will be updated during the season as questions arise. Please check here first for the answers to your questions. NOTE: Information below may have been summarized, rephrased to suit this FAQ section, or updated based on current season conditions and questions to aid in the information disclosure. Refer to the 2024 Operating Code for the approved Carolina Region policies and procedures. If there are any discrepancies not accounted for by in-season adjustments (i.e. for weather cancellations, etc), the 2024 Operating Code will be the final text for all policies.

[Registration] [Membership] [Clubs] [General] [Juniors] [Adults] [Coaching] [SafeSport] [Clinics] [Tournament] [Board of Directors]

Registration Questions:

Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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Membership Questions:

Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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General Questions:

Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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Tournament Questions:

Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching
  •  Regional Championship Event Questions:

Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching
  • National Bid Tournament Questions:

Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching

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 Board of Directors Questions:

Registration packets and all applicable forms will be available for download on our website annually (Documents & Forms) . The 2024/2025 packets were posted on September 1, 2024. An email notice to all of last season’s Club Directors was sent shortly after they were available on the website. The Registration packets have all information needed for clubs to register their teams for the new season.

Category: Clubs

For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)

  • 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.

17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.

  • Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.  (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)

16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.

15 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2009.
14 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2010.

  • Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)

13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.

  • Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.

  • Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.

11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013

10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014

9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015

8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.

Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.

The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020.  The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in.  For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:

Categories: Clubs, Juniors, Tournaments

Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase.  The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program.  One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time.  Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships).  Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club.  Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.

JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee.  Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below.    All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting).  Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters.  The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below.  NOTE:  All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club.  If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.



    • Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
    • An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
    • Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.

  • Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
  • Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
  • Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
  • Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.


  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
  • Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
  • Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.

Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.

The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region.  Regional Championships Player Movements:  Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships.  Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.

Categories: Adults, Clubs, Juniors

One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.

The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).

Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.

Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments.  For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.

Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

YES – You may add players at any time during the season simply by having them register with the Carolina Region.  Clubs can send new players a Public Club Assignment link to have them affiliate with their club and register in one process.  Once they are registered with the Region, the club admin can add them to a roster in the current season’s USAV Governing Season. Remember, players must be registered with their team one week before they play in a tournament or by the Thursday before a tournament with a $5 late registration fee. Also, players must play in two (2) Carolina Region tournaments to be eligible to play in a Regional Championship Event. Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

All teams across the country are assigned a unique identifier by their Region to help track a team’s tournament results at major inter-Regional tournaments (this is mainly used with Juniors but Adult teams have been assigned codes as well). If you travel to an inter-Regional tournament (Qualifiers, Junior Nationals, etc.), you will be asked for your Team Code. An example Team Code looks like this: G18WSVBC1CR. The “G” indicates a Girl’s team (Boys teams will start with a “B”); the “18” indicates an 18 and under team; “WSVBC” is the Club the team is affiliated with (this is assigned by Region – individual teams will have a 5 character code based on their Club name – all teams in the club will have the same club code. The Club Code does not change from season to season as long as the Club stays active); the “1” indicates the ranking of that team in their OWN club in that age group only; and the “CR” stands for the Carolina Region. Again, only teams that will be traveling to large inter-Regional tournaments will need this number to enter events. Team Codes can be found in the USAV governing Season in your HQ and are also available in the Carolina Region Tournament System (in the Team Directory and on individual team pages). Please make note of it for future reference.   NOTE:  Team Codes do not necessarily stay the same from season to season for a particular team, so Club Directors should wait until the current season’s Team Registrations are processed before using a team code.

Category: Clubs

Yes, clubs and individuals can register anytime during the year (they just need to keep in mind how many more events are available to participate in if they are registering mid-season).  New clubs can submit the 2024 Club Registration Form to the Region at any time for us to add the club to the Tournament System and request an HQ account (existing clubs will also need to submit annually as well so we can keep the Club information updated).

Category: Clubs

According to Article X, Section B.3. of the USA Volleyball Operating Code, Men’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of males only and Women’s Divisions are comprised of teams consisting of females only. The Carolina Region supports this definition. People of the opposite gender may appear on a team’s roster as a coach or to satisfy the official’s requirement, but they could not play in sanctioned competition. The Carolina Region will sanction co-ed tournaments for those tournament hosts willing to hold a co-ed tournament.

For Junior’s competitions, the Region will allow boys and girls to play together on the same team in the Girls’ 13 and under division (or lower) only to promote development (max limit of two males on a Girls 13 and under or lower roster).  Those younger girls teams that have a boy on the roster should get permission from the tournament director before playing a coed roster at out-of-Region events (and CR two-day special events).

Category: Clubs
  • ADULTS/BOYS Teams – Adult and Boys teams do not need to register as a club in order to get Club Movement Privileges. All teams will be considered a club for purposes of the Club Movement Policy (see related FAQ item). NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.
  • JUNIOR GIRLS – There will be no Club fee required to have Player Movement Privileges for Junior Girls’ clubs! All multi-team Girl’s Clubs will be eligible automatically to utilize player movement within the parameters of the Club Player Movement Policy.  NOTE: In the USAV/Carolina Region online Registration system, all teams are also formed into a “club” as a way to group and classify teams in the system. If you just have one team, you will just be a one team club in the USAV/Carolina Region Registration system.  Junior Clubs with more than 10 teams will receive a discount on their team fees for the 11th registered team and greater (for teams registered before December 1 only).
Category: Clubs

Teams and individuals may register at any time during the season. Teams and/or individuals must be Registered at least one week before they play in a given tournament (or by the Thursday before a tournament with late fees). Club administrators should keep any minimum participation policies in mind if registering players or teams mid-season.  Rosters will FREEZE for Regional Championships ONE week before the tournament date, so no roster additions or club movements will be allowed after rosters FREEZE.

Categories: Clubs, Registration

USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events.  For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer.  Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.

If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.

Categories: Clubs, Juniors

If you received a Certificate of Insurance for your club or facility last season, the insurance company automatically renews them each season. You will be emailed the certificate when they are ready (mid- to late-September usually). If you are requesting a certificate for a new club or facility, go to our forms section for the current season’s request form. Keep in mind, the certificate of insurance only shows coverage for Sanctioned Events. You would need to make sure you apply for the Sanctioning and all participants are current members of the Region and/or USAV before your event (see additional question for information on Sanctioned Events).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The Carolina Region has updated its Coaching Education Policy.  It states: The Carolina Region believes that every player deserves a coach trained in the current techniques and safety issues of the sport. All Head and Assistant Coaches are required to have, at a minimum, current IMPACT certification in order to coach in the Region. An IMPACT certification now grants three seasons of coaching eligibility in the Carolina Region. Although USAV IMPACT certification does not expire, the Region believes it is important for coaches to stay current in the field.  Attending an IMPACT clinic or other approved NTDP Coaching Clinic at any time will extend a coach’s eligibility for another three seasons.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has developed a new Coaching Academy.  The Region will be providing discounts for Carolina Region coaches to access this training.  Taking USAV Coaching Academy courses will count towards Carolina Region Continuing education extensions.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

NO. Once someone is registered as a member with the Region in whatever capacity for the current season, then they do not have to buy another membership to coach a team. The club would need to send them a Public Club Assignment link (same as for the players affiliating with the club) and the Coach would need to go through the quizzard again and indicate they will have a Coach role this season.  That will show them the Adult Coach membership that will get them the correct requirements to be a Junior Coach (Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT). They will not be charged again for the Coach membership.  Once they have that correct Coach membership in their account, the club can add them to the roster in the current USAV Governing Season.  They will show as eligible when their Background Screen, SafeSport, and IMPACT are all current.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

First, there are no policies instituted by the Carolina Region on this. The Carolina Region simple goal is for as many players (and coaches) to participate as possible for the enjoyment of the sport. This question needs to be answered by your school’s Athletic Director or by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA). The NCHSAA does place a limit on the number of players a HS coach can coach in off-season organizations, so any coaches concerned about that needs to direct their questions to the NCHSAA (919.240.7401) or their school Athletic Director.

Categories: Clubs, Coaching

Club Divisions will not have a Seeding tournament.  When registering their teams with the Region, Club teams will indicate where they think their team fits under the following groups:  Top 20% (among all teams in their age group); top 40%; top 60%; top 80%; or bottom 20%.  These designations will be used to set the starting points value for the teams in the Region’s Tournament System.  Teams will not be shown in ANY divisions this year!  Assignments to tournament sites will be handled by using the Standings in the Tournament System and sending teams to sites in groups of 4-team pools.  Teams will need to enter a tournament by the Two-week entry deadline and then we will assign the teams to sites in the system based on the Standings.  Teams will move up and down the rankings strictly by the results of the matches they play.  The initial starting points value will not be adjusted as in seasons past (However, a club director can request a change in the initial points value after the second scheduled tournament for their age group.  Requests must be received by noon on the Monday following that tournament).

Categories: Clubs, Tournaments

All Junior coaches must be at least 18 years of age and at least two years older than the team they coach. However, individuals who have reached their 16th birthday may serve as a rostered Assistant Coach for teams that are a minimum of three age groups younger than the coach. Teams utilizing these junior coaches must register a Chaperone 25 or older also to be on the roster and sit on the bench in the event that the Head Coach is not able to finish a match on the bench. In addition, the Head Coach must be 25 or older and must be on the bench to start all matches. These Junior coaches must comply with all coaching prerequisites (IMPACT/SafeSport) before they can be added to the roster. In the event, the coach turns 18 during the season, they must clear the USAV Background Screen policy and would be governed by the current Coaches’ policies as found in the Operating Code.

Other minimum requirements for Coaches:

  • Clear the USAV/RVA Background Screen (all adults 18 or older affiliating with junior program must clear this)
  • Agree to the USAV Code of Ethics Form.  This is done electronically during the Registration process.
  • Obtain an IMPACT or CAP Certification (After initial certification, coaches must attend an approved continuing education clinic every three seasons to remain eligible to coach)
  • Must be SafeSport certified
Categories: Clubs, Coaching
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