This section will be updated during the season as questions arise. Please check here first for the answers to your questions. NOTE: Information below may have been summarized, rephrased to suit this FAQ section, or updated based on current season conditions and questions to aid in the information disclosure. Refer to the 2024 Operating Code for the approved Carolina Region policies and procedures. If there are any discrepancies not accounted for by in-season adjustments (i.e. for weather cancellations, etc), the 2024 Operating Code will be the final text for all policies.
[Registration] [Membership] [Clubs] [General] [Juniors] [Adults] [Coaching] [SafeSport] [Clinics] [Tournament] [Board of Directors]
Registration Questions:
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
Membership Questions:
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
General Questions:
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
Tournament Questions:
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
- Regional Championship Event Questions:
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
- National Bid Tournament Questions:
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).
Board of Directors Questions:
For the full USAV Age Definition policy and a chart to help check your age division, view this provided by USAV.
Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.
18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2006 (including high school graduates eligible based on the above paragraph)
- 18 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during some part of the current academic year are eligible to compete on 18 and under teams.
17 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2007.
- Girls 17 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 and under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.)
16 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2008.
- Boys 14 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior National Championships on 14 and under teams. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8” to 7’ 11 5/8” between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.)
13 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2011.
- Boys 13 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 (14 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the seventh grade (7th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 13’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
12 and under division: Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2012.
- Boys 12 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2011 (13 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the sixth grade (6th) during the current academic year are eligible for a Region approved waiver to compete in the boys 12’s age group. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules.
11 and under division (NOTE: YOUTH-If register with Youth membership not eligible for National events [Qualifiers] – must upgrade to full Junior membership): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2013
10 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2014
9 and Under Division: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2015
8 and under division (membership is FREE!): Players who were born on or after July 1st, 2016.
Note: These age definitions are used for domestic club programs and are NOT the same age definitions for International Competition and Domestic National Team Development Programs for 2025.
The Age Definition Policy was most recently revised by the USA Volleyball Board of Directors on June 30, 2020. The classification cut-off date of July 1 was reviewed by the USAV Junior Assembly and the USA Regional Volleyball Association Assembly and research justified the new cut-off date of July 1.
In the interest of promoting the growth of Boys’ volleyball, the Carolina Region will allow Boys’ 12 & Under teams to enter appropriate level girls’ 13’s or 14’s tournaments (CR sanctioned one-day tournaments) if there is room after the entry deadline. In such a situation, results against boys’ teams will count in pool standings, and they will be eligible for playoffs should they qualify. If a boy’s team makes the playoffs in a girl’s tournament one week, they will automatically be moved to a higher age and/or site with the next tournament they play in. For all out-of-region tournaments and CR multi-day tournaments, Boys’ 12 & under teams will need to contact the tournament administration directly about their policies concerning participation in Girls’ tournaments.
There are many benefits of participating in a tournament sanctioned by the Carolina Region/USA Volleyball:
- All participants are covered under the USA Volleyball Insurance Program
- $5,000,000 General Liability Policy
- $25,000 Excess Accident Medical Policy for participants
- All Adults participating in the Event must:
- Clear the USAV Background Screen annually
- Complete a SafeSport course annually
- Coaches must complete the USAV IMPACT (or equivalent) course
- USA Volleyball certified and trained professional Officials working the event
- Standard tournament formats for all one-day tournaments
Our Boys Program is still in the growing phase. The Boys’ Program is much different than our Girls’ Program. One main difference is Boys’ Volleyball is not a sanctioned High School sport in NC at this time. Based on these differences, we allow Boys programs to hold their tryouts anytime after the previous USAV indoor season has concluded (at the end of the USAV Boys’ Junior National Championships). Tryouts for the 2025 USAV season may begin anytime after June 29, 2024 for Carolina Region Boys’ clubs.
Yes, CR Tournament hosts are allowed to charge an admission for our sanctioned one-day tournaments beginning with the 2020 Season (multi-day tournaments have always been allowed to have an admission). The Board approved it at their 2019 summer retreat as an alternative to raising tournament entry fees for teams. The costs to rent facilities and host tournaments is rising annually and we do our best to keep the costs for teams affordable. This was one way hosts can recoup some of their costs without raising tournament entry fees on the teams.
The admission charge is optional and is limited to $5 max for all spectators 11 and older. All participants on a roster, our officials, and kids 10 and under accompanying their families to watch are exempt from the admission fee.
We will update a facility’s info on our tournament system as they notify us if there will be an admission. But everyone should be prepared to pay an admission when they arrive.
NOTE – 100% of any admission charged is retained by the Tournament hosts to offset their expenses for hosting. The Carolina Region does not receive any portion of admission fees.
There is no USA Volleyball rule or policy that states the game of volleyball has to be played in a quiet environment. Participants and spectators can make as much noise as they wish during a match. If you ever watch an international volleyball match (Olympics or other high level event) you will see an incredibly loud environment in the stands and on the court. Many countries have fans that stand the whole time, chant, beat drums and sticks, etc. The participants can hardly hear themselves or the whistle in such environment. And the International Governing Body , FIVB, encourages such fan interactions.
We can understand the desire to not have distractions during a match, but the reality is, it is actually part of the sport. Players will need to be able to adapt and be prepared to play in loud environments. As long as participants and spectators are not yelling inappropriate things directed at individuals, then talking, chanting, making noise, is not an offense that can be sanctioned. Yelling “Balls up” no matter if it is useful to them or not, is not something our officials should be stopping.
All involved with Youth Sports should, however, remember that we are trying to promote Good Sportsmanship at our events. Parents and spectators should review the Parent Code of Conduct before each event. Yelling excessively from the stands before the opponent serves may not be “demonstrating positive support for all players” if your motive is to distract/cause errors. Please consider the good of the sport and good sportsmanship whenever you are cheering at our events.
We will name an All-Tournament Team (ATT) at the Carolina Regional Championship tournaments where the top FOUR teams from the East and West come together to decide the overall Regional Champions. The ATT will consist of three players off the Championship team, two players off the Finalist team, one player each from the losing semi-finalist teams, and an MVP (does not have to come from the champion team). The coaches of the participating semi-finals/finals teams will nominate their players to the ATT. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
An ATT team will not be named at the East and West Regional Championship sites. However, we will name an MVP at each East/West Regionals site. The MVP will be selected by a committee of the two Head Coaches of the finalist teams, the paid officials assigned to the Championship match, and the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will chair the MVP committee and break all ties.
The Region has implemented a program to recognize top Junior Officials each season. The Officials Division created a Junior Regional Referee and Scorer rating certification. Outstanding Junior Officials may ask to be rated by National and Junior National Referees in order to receive a Junior Regional Rating. Referees that attain this certification will be a patch and other Carolina Region branded officiating supplies and be recognized on the Carolina Region website! For more information and a list of past Outstanding Young Referees, go here.
JUNIOR BOYS – All Carolina Region Boys teams will be considered part of the same Club. Boys’ teams are still restricted to the procedures for Junior Girls below when utilizing Player Movement.
JUNIOR GIRLS – All multi-team Junior Girls Clubs will be able to utilize the Player Movement Policy within their respective club only during the Carolina Region season without paying a club fee. Player movement (either Temporary or Permanent) in a club is restricted based on the policies outlined below. All player movement must be recorded by a club officer and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captains’/Coaches’ Meeting). Temporary Club Movements do not have to be sent to the Region Office before the competition (only permanent moves) – the Region will receive the form after the tournament with the rosters. The Carolina Region will use the current Standings of all teams as found at the Carolina Region Tournament System when processing all club movements per the policies below. NOTE: All Coaches in a Junior Club may coach ANY team in their own club. If they are not on the official roster, then the Club should use a Club Movement Form to add that coach to a tournament roster the same as adding a temporary player.
- Players being moved to a team in a lower age group must meet the birthdate requirements for the age group they are being moved to.
- An individual player may only be used TWICE for temporary moves during the indoor season. After a player has participated with another club team TWO times, the player shall be frozen to the roster of their original team unless a permanent roster move is reported to the Region Office.
- Players registered on a club team and participating in sanctioned competition within the jurisdiction of the Carolina Region may participate with another team from the same club having a higher ranking a maximum of two (2) times (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
Players may participate with a team having a lower ranking than the one with who the player is registered a maximum of one (1) time (within their individual limit) before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event.
- Players may participate with two teams on a given weekend provided: (a) the age groups are playing on different days (i.e. 12’s team plays on Saturday and 13’s team plays on Sunday); (b) all other Player Movement Requirements described here are followed (limit of 2 moves per season, Movement Form filled out, etc.); (c) for clubs with combined adult and junior teams, a junior player MUST play with his/her junior team if that team is playing on the same day as an adult tournament. If the adult division is playing on a different day, then the junior player may move under the provisions of the Club Movement Policy.
- Any registered Club player may continue participation with another team in the same club upon notifying the Office of a permanent roster change before rosters are frozen one week prior to their age group’s first Regional Championship Event. Once a permanent move is made, no other moves (temporary or permanent) are allowed for that player.
- Players registered as unaffiliated (member of the club but not on a team) must still appear on a Club Movement Form if desiring to play on a team within their club and are still limited by the restrictions above.
- Registered unaffiliated members in the Region (not on any team) must first join a club before they can play in a tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) Club players not on their roster in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of one (1) player not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club in any given tournament.
- Teams may add a maximum of two (2) players not on their roster from a higher ranking team in their club per season.
- Teams are limited to accepting up to two (2) permanent moves per season. If a permanent move is made with the intent to play in a Regional Championship Event, then ideally the player being moved should have played at least once with that team during the regular season under a normal player movement. The Region will hear petitions for extenuating circumstances.
Clubs failing to comply with the reporting requirements will have the player movement privilege suspended. Report forms were included with the Registration packet and are available from the Region office and at the Forms page.
The Player Movement Policy for Adult tournaments – For Regular Season Tournaments, the Region has eliminated the Club Player Movement Policy for adults to promote ease of play. Adult teams will be able to pick up any current member up to the max roster size as needed in order to play in a regular season Carolina Region tournament. All such player movements must still be recorded by a team rep in writing on the Club Player Movement Form and submitted to all affected tournament hosts before the start of competition (with roster at Captain’s Meeting). Player Movement Forms do not need to be sent to the Region before a tournament if the move is only Temporary. Permanent Team Movements should be sent to the Region Office directly and REQUIRE the written approval of both affected team reps before it can be approved by the Region. Regional Championships Player Movements: Rosters still FREEZE (no changes allowed) ONE week before the Regional Championships. Team Reps need to submit all Roster updates (with a Club Player Movement Form) to the Region Office at least one week before the scheduled Adult Regional Championships in order for the affected players to be eligible for the Regional Championships.
All Junior teams must have TWO certified REFEREES and ONE certified SCORER on their roster. To get certified, officials must (a)complete an online officiating clinic curriculum applicable to their membership status ; (b) take the appropriate test as required for their membership (scorers take the scorer clinic and tests and referees must take BOTH the scorer and referee clinics and tests); (c) correct their test(s) to 100 with rule references if applicable; and (d) professional referees must have a practical rating to complete their certification (and to receive a Provisional or Regional rating – see Officiating section of website for more on requirements for these ratings). Only those individuals that are certified and listed on the roster as a SCORER or REFEREE (which implies certification as a scorer) may perform those duties during a tournament. For Junior teams, one adult per team must complete the junior clinic and be on the roster as certified so they know the materials the officials are taught and can help their junior officials during the tournaments. The certified adult must physically supervise their team while in the vicinity of the score table at all times during the team’s officiating assignment (supervising includes, but is not limited to, insuring food is not at the table and work team is not distracted by cell phones and electronic devices). Incomplete work teams (including the certified adult that is not supervising their team in the vicinity of the score table) may be penalized one point per-minute that they are incomplete to a maximum of 25 points off their next match. Junior teams will not be allowed to participate in a Carolina Region tournament until they meet the minimum team requirements.
It is recommended that all Adult teams have 2 certified Referees and 1 certified Scorer on their roster for all tournaments.
Individuals must take the Referee and Scorer clinic online. Visit this page for information about the Online clinics. Clubs can go here for information on Hosting a supplemental in-person clinic (not for certifications).
One important distinction to keep in mind, first. The use of the word “Quintile” during the Team Registration process has nothing to do with what site number a team might get assigned to! During the Team Registration process, we ask Club Directors/Team Reps to tell us what “Quintile” they want to start with among FIVE groupings. Those five “Groups” represent (1) Top 20% of all teams in that age group/realm (east/west); (2) 21-40% of teams; (3) 41-60% of teams; (4) 61-80% of teams; (50 81-100% of teams. That grouping sets the team’s INITIAL points value in the Tournament System ONLY. After a team plays their first tournament and their points begin to go up/down, the “Quintile” from their initial team creation is irrelevant as they are ranked based on their currents points value.
The word “Site/Division” in the Tournament System is used to differentiate between SITES only. We will have as many “Sites/Divisions” as we can accommodate to allow as many teams to play. So, our bigger age groups will see 7-9 “Sites/Divisions” on a tournament weekend (but remember, we only had “five” groupings on team registration form – so those two uses have nothing to do with each other).
Teams get assigned to “Sites/Divisions” based on (a) their points rankings AND (b) how many teams ranked above them have entered that particular tournament! So, a team that selects Quintile 2 (21-40% of teams) could play at “Site/Division” 1 if there were not a lot of teams ranked ABOVE them entered in that tournament. Teams are still assigned into tournaments on their rankings so they are playing teams ranked around them.
Teams will be assigned to “SITES” for all regular season tournaments. For all Regional Championship Events at the end of the season, teams will be assigned to “DIVISIONS” to maintain the historical use of that term in Regional Championship Events in the past.
Please see the Junior Tournament Structure and Information Letter and the Site Assignment Example for more information.
USA Volleyball no longer requires the Medical Release form at its national events. For that reason, the Carolina Region does not supply the form to clubs any longer. Some clubs may choose to still collect a Medical Release form from their participants.
If a place for a notarized signature is part of that form, it would only be required if attending a state that does require signatures to be notarized.
The Carolina Region would love for Tournament Directors to be able to offer a wider variety of awards. However, Tournament Directors are limited to giving things that do not have intrinsic value (medals, plaques) by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. That organization has stated that for High School athletes to remain eligible to compete in their competitions (i.e. in High School athletics) they must be amateurs. If athletes receive anything of intrinsic value (t-shirts, bags, hats, etc) then it could jeopardize their High School eligibility. Thus, for the protection of our junior members, we inform our Tournament Directors that they can only award items that do not have intrinsic value. For additional information on this policy, contact the NC High School Athletic Association as this is their policy (not the Carolina Region’s).
Maybe. All play in an age group other than the one you are registered for must be approved by the Region. ALSO, acceptance into the higher age group is contingent on two factors: (a) there is room in the field for your team (same-division teams get first priority), and (b) playing in a different division does not adversely affect the division you were assigned (i.e. doesn’t cause that division to cancel a tournament OR there are a viable number of teams left to hold a competitive tournament). Teams should indicate on their tournament entry the division they are requesting to play in if it is different than the one assigned and submit the entry prior to the tournament entry deadline. The Tournament System page created for the specific tournament will display whether that team was allowed to play in the division requested (but not until after the entry deadline passes). Teams may only play in a Regional Championship Event for the age group which they are currently assigned by the Region at the entry deadline (unless the team was approved to play at the higher age group the entire season).