Frequently Asked Questions

This section will be updated during the season as questions arise. Please check here first for the answers to your questions. NOTE: Information below may have been summarized, rephrased to suit this FAQ section, or updated based on current season conditions and questions to aid in the information disclosure. Refer to the 2024 Operating Code for the approved Carolina Region policies and procedures. If there are any discrepancies not accounted for by in-season adjustments (i.e. for weather cancellations, etc), the 2024 Operating Code will be the final text for all policies.

[Registration] [Membership] [Clubs] [General] [Juniors] [Adults] [Coaching] [SafeSport] [Clinics] [Tournament] [Board of Directors]

Registration Questions:

See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

Back to Top

Membership Questions:

See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

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See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

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General Questions:

See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

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See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

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See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

Back to Top


See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

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See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

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See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

Back to Top

Tournament Questions:

See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

  •  Regional Championship Event Questions:

See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

  • National Bid Tournament Questions:

See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

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 Board of Directors Questions:

See our other questions in this section for more about the assigning process.  But, the basic answer is that we always need a lot of courts every weekend to provide enough opportunities for every team to play.  We rarely turn down a request for a site to host a tournament, especially if they are flexible as to which division they can host.  Last year we needed 45+ courts to host the older age group tournaments on any weekend and 56+ courts for the younger age groups!

If your age group is traveling a lot then we basically did not receive any requests from tournament hosts in your area to host your division.  We try to spread the division assignments around so divisions do not travel to outlying areas as much, but the reality is that we seem to get a lot of requests to host from sites on the western part of the state and not as many requests from the eastern part.  We are continuing to target areas in the east to host.

If you’re interested in hosting an event in your area for your division, submit a Tournament Sanction Request form and we will do our best to accommodate you!

Category: General

The following is taken from the 2023-2025 USA Volleyball Indoor Rules Book (p. 34-37).  Highlighted text reflects an updated rule/text for this rules cycle.

a. A player’s uniform consists of a jersey and shorts or athletic/sports pants.  If undergarments, including but not limited to T-shirts, boxer shorts, tights, leotards, body suits, bicycle shorts, sports bras, etc., are worn in such a manner that they are exposed, they will be considered a part of the uniform.  In that case, they must be similar and the same color for any team members (except the Libero) who wear such an undergarment. Socks, sport shoes, knee pads, and compression pads are not part of the uniform.

b. The legality of a team’s uniform(s) is not grounds for a protest by their opponent. The determination of a team’s uniform legality is the responsibility of the match referee(s), head referee(s), and/or tournament staff.

USAV 4.3.1: The color and design for the jerseys and shorts or athletic/sports pants must be uniform for the team (except for the Libero).  See also 4.1, USAV 19.2

4.3.2 The shoes must be light and pliable with rubber or composite soles without heels.

USAV 4.3.3: The players’ jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.  See also USAV

USAV Uniform numbers must be clearly visible and centered side to side on the front and back of the jersey.  Numbers are recommended to be placed on the upper half of the jersey.  Numbers may not extend below the player’s waist and may not be tucked into the uniform bottom.
USAV Each jersey must use the same color and number height for all players, except the Libero’s jersey, which may have different color and size numbers, provided it still meets the minimum criteria stated in USAV 4,3.3.2..
USAV  The color and brightness of the numbers must contrast with the color and brightness of the jersey. Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/black, white/light yellow or navy/maroon are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.
USAV The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number.

USAV The numbers must be a minimum of 10 cm (4”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the back. It is recommended that the numbers be a minimum of 15 cm (6”) in height on the chest and a minimum of 20 cm (8”) on the back. The stripe forming the numbers shall be a minimum of 2cm (3/4”) in width.

USAV 4.3.4: It is recommended that the captain have a stripe on his/her jersey, 8cm X 2cm (3.15” X .78”), underlining the number on the chest. (see also 5.1)

4.3.5 It is forbidden to wear uniforms of a color different from that of the other players (except for the Liberos), and/or without official numbers (see also 19.2).

USAV 4.3.5: For nationally sanctioned competition, uniforms must be identical except for sleeve length and the Libero players. An exception will also be made for a single manufacturer’s logo or trademark on the outside of the jerseys or shorts, provided that the logo or trademark does not exceed 14.6 square cm (2 1/4 square inches). Sponsor logos are permitted provided they are identical on each uniform and do not obstruct the view of the uniform number.

4.4 Change of Equipment:
The first referee may authorize one or more players:
4.4.1 to play barefoot,
4.4.2 to change wet or damaged uniforms between sets or after substitution, provided that the color, design, and number of the new uniform(s) are the same (see also USAV 4.3. 15.5);
4.4.3 to play in training suits in cold weather, provided that they are of the same color and design for the whole team (except for the Libero) and numbered according to Rule 4.3.3.  (see also 4.1.1, USAV 19.2)

4.5 Personal Equipment and Prohibited Items:

USAV 4.5.1:It is prohibited to wear a cast, even if padded. Objects or equipment that may cause an injury or give an artificial advantage to the player must not be worn. A head covering made from cloth or soft, non-abrasive fabric may be worn; no waiver is required. Hats of any style are not permitted.  A guard or brace, or headgear, are permitted; padding or a covering may be necessary. A prosthetic limb(s) is permitted; sharp edges may need to be wrapped or padded to ensure safety.
Jewelry may be worn provided its nature does not present a concern for safety, such as extremely long necklaces and/or necklaces with large medallions, or large hoop earrings.
When a player’s equipment falls to the floor and creates a safety hazard, play is stopped, and a delay sanction may be assessed.

4.5.2 Players may wear glasses or lenses at their own risk.

4.5.3 Compression pads (padded injury protection devices) may be worn for protection or support. The color of the compression pads does not need to be the same for team members wearing this equipment, nor does the color need to match the predominant color(s) of the team uniform.

USAV 19.2 (see also 4.3):
a. The Libero must wear a jersey that clearly contrasts with, and has a different dominant color from, the jersey of their teammates.
b. A jacket or bib can only be worn by the re-designated Libero. If a jacket or bib is worn by the re-designated Libero, the uniform number must still be visible.
c. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in USAV Color combinations including but not limited to purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, and white/light yellow are not distinctive enough to comply with the rules.  NOTE: The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the jersey irrespective of any border around the number

d. When two Liberos are used, both Liberos can be in uniforms different from each other and from the rest of the team.

NOTE:  USA Volleyball has set up a review process for questionable uniform combinations.  Clubs with questions about potential sets of uniforms can submit questions/pictures to the Rules Interpreter for review before ordering!  Please allow 5 business days to process your submission.  Go here  to submit your info (please only use if there is a question whether known color combinations are legal).

NOTE – Carolina Region teams may petition the Region for uniform waivers for use in Region events only in some instances. Contact the Region Office with questions

Categories: General, Tournaments

All individuals (Adults and Juniors) can go to our Tournament System to view the team and club directories to view contact information (NOTE:  The Tournament System resets on September 1 of each season.  To see Directories from the prior season, from the main page, you will also see a View Historical Data section at the bottom Click the prior season, to pull up that data.

When you are in the tournament system (either current season or a Historical Season), choose a Program first (Junior or Adult) and then choose the Team Directory option under the INFO heading.  Once on the Team Directory page, you can use the column arrows to sort and find teams by city, gender, etc.

The Club Directory is also under the INFO heading.  If the club has a website, it is available on this Directory in the last column (click the “url” link to go to their website).  Contact any club you are interested in to see if they need additional players, or for juniors, when their tryouts will be.

You can also list yourself on our Player’s Board.  This is a resource for individuals to use if they are still searching for a club.  Clubs can use the Player’s Board to advertise their needs and look over players still looking for a team.

NOTE:  The Carolina Region does not operate any clubs.  You will need to contact clubs directly for all information about their program offerings.

Category: General

When you join the Carolina Region, you are joining a group Association (two associations really – the Carolina Region and all its members and then USA Volleyball as a whole which allows us to use the whole country’s membership totals in negotiations).  Please keep in mind that the Carolina Region and USA Volleyball are two separate organizations – a common error we get is checks made payable to USAV.  One of the benefits you receive as a member of this association is General Liability Insurance and a Secondary Medical policy coverage at “Sanctioned Events” (for more on the insurance component see the Insurance Section of our Team Handbooks at the Forms section of the website). Events may be either sanctioned by USA Volleyball (i.e. Qualifiers, Junior National Championships, National High Performance clinics, etc) or the Regions of USAV (Regional Volleyball Associations or RVAs). The Regions sanction events like local tournaments, clinics, and PRACTICES. The process to have an event sanctioned by the region begins with a tournament director, club, or individual filling out the applicable request form and sending in to the Region. One of the requirements for an event to be sanctioned and for the group insurance to be in force is for ALL participants to be current members of the RVA/USAV. If it is a junior event that is being sanctioned, then all adults affiliating with a junior club must clear their background screen BEFORE participating. So for clubs wanting their tryouts and/or practices to be sanctioned by the Region (and thus covered under our insurance program), then all participants must be current members and adults must have cleared their background screen before the event for it to be officially sanctioned (adults need to apply at least SIX business days before the event to have time to clear the background screen!). We allow individuals to register/renew for the new season on September 1, which gives plenty of time for players and coaches to meet these requirements if a club wants their tryouts and practices sanctioned.  Clubs can request to have their events/activities sanctioned through a form linked from the Insurance Forms section of our Forms page.

Categories: Clubs, General

The President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Carolina Region’s Board of Directors is elected every three years at the Annual Meeting usually held in April or May (current terms end in 2027). The rest of the Board is elected from their division’s Advisory Board. Those interested in running for a position can contact any Board member or the Office to be included in an Advisory Board. The Board of Directors is comprised of all volunteers dedicated to improving volleyball in North Carolina. We invite you to join in the efforts of these individuals!

The next quarterly online meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023.  The next Annual Meeting of the Carolina Region will be June 8, 2024.  The Board of Director retreat is scheduled for June 7-8, 2024.  Check the Board Meeting Information page for up-to-date information as meetings are finalized.

The Next Junior Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for May 7, 2024.  It will be an Online Meeting.  All Junior Team Reps will be sent information on joining the meeting in April, 2024.

The next Officials Advisory Board Meeting is scheduled for July of 2024.

All Board of Director Meeting information along with past minutes can also be found on our Board Meeting Information page.

All Carolina Region Board meetings are open to Carolina Region members. We encourage all members to get involved with improving the sport of volleyball throughout North Carolina. Come to a meeting and lend a hand!

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